Monday, October 25, 2010

Fortuitous Randomnosity

Randomnosity isn't a word, isn't that stupid. It should be.

Use: "There is so much randomnosity in the world"or"There is so much randomnosity in this blog."

synonym for random. Fortuitous. I like this word. I might use it. "That was fortuitous"

I googled the longest words in the English language today and found three.

1.Floccinaucinihilipilification- the act as estimating as worthless
2.Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia- the fear of long words.Does anyone else get the irony of this one? If you have a friend with Hippopotomonstronsesquippedaliophobia, don't tell them this is what it's called, they might have a panic attack. (who is scared of long words, and how did that happen...?)
I just thought of a scenario of a child in third grade. The word is really long. "Grandmother." They are freaking out.

3.pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis- this is a really over exaggerated way to say "you have lung disease."

If you look closely, this word is composed of words like,"microscopic,""sili," "volcano," "con,"
- I get the feeling the doctor wanted to outdo his buddies, so he just started putting words together.

Let me try: Tenacioutreegregrosarootrunkblacktorious- I made this word up for the slow dying of a tree's trunk, which will eventually spread to its roots, causing the tree to die. It is a slow death.

Here are some fortuitous things from my day:

1. Class attendance is directly related to weather. Of this I am 100% sure.

2. Eicosapentenoic acid is the fatty acid located in fish. It has 5 double bonds and 20 carbons. And if you think you're getting it by eating lots of wrong. You only get omega three from salmon that were caught in the wild not home grown in a pond. Sorry, omega three is derived from the salmon's diet of algae. They don't eat algae in ponds. They eat cheap, crappy fish pellets.So you might want to check with the store to make sure it came fromt he wild, and not America's back yard.

3. Today the computer cursor was projected onto my professor's shiny head for a total of three minutes. I laughed a lot. It looked so real.

4. Every time it rains I argue with myself whether or not I should wear my asics or flip-flops. I know that when I wear flip-flops my feet get wet, which causes them to get slippery, which then causes lots of falling, tripping, and sliding on campus. I always end up wearing them, and wishing halfway through the walk to class that I didn't. This happened again today. When will I learn?

5. Today I found written in my library cubby racial slurs and references to herpes as well as things like, "motivation," "loud noises. Ahhhh," and "Blain is a pain and thats the truth." There were also little hearts with things like, "MJ + JC" and "RB and JP forever." Really? are we still writing me + you on walls? I predict that the separation rate for those who write these " 4 ever" notes on walls is at 60% and is increasing with time. I just don't see a relationship scribbled on bathroom stall doors lasting.

6. I was reading "A Midnight's Summer's Dream" in the library today when I realized shakespear wrote his "s" as a "f".So here's an example of a would-be sentence in act I.
"I fhall confent to thy love for I refufe to deny it any longer my fweet child."
- that fentence was ftupid, but I fuppofe you got the point.

7. The class before my Nutritional Biochemistry class was talking about giving teenagers "power" in their lives so they will feel the confidence to do things like go to college. Hm...I went to college because my parents didn't give me any power to argue. They would refer to this "power" the teacher was refering to as a get out of bs for free card.

8. I passed a dead snake on the road on my walk back from class today.

9. B-Hydroxy Acyl Coenxyme A Dehydrogenase, and my personal favorite, Phosphofructokinase-1 B 1,6 Bisphosphatse are just two of the many enzymes I've memorized for an exam on wednesday

10. Driving around the library parking deck, stalking people, and driving all shady around the coerners makes me feel like a sketchy shark.

11."You know you love me,I know you care, Just shout whenever, And I'll be there
You want my love, You want my heart.And we will never ever ever be apart"...blah blah blah..."And I was like Baby, baby, baby ohhh,Like baby, baby, baby noo,Like baby, baby, baby ohh" -wise words from the Bieber. Don't judge me. This was good dance in my car music...and I have to say, I like the beat of this song...lyrics not so much.

12. When I googled "random," this is what came up. (natalie at the beginning of this post too came from this search)

That's all. I think those four pictures are as random as this post can get. Making me very happy.

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