Thursday, June 16, 2011

To the Brim

It’s 2:54 AM. I really should be sleeping since I have to get up in 4 hours for an exam, but I’m filled to the brim, and like anything else filled to the brim, I’m overflowing.

What’s on my mind?

Love, grace, forgiveness, hope, ridiculous amounts of optimism, peace, contentment, joy, and all of those beautiful things that any man would spend his life striving for.

Remember my affliction and my wanderings,
The wormwood and the fall!
My soul continually remembers it
And is bowed down within me,
But this I call to mind,
And therefore I have hope:

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases,
His mercies never come to an end;
They are new every morning;
Great is your faithfulness.
“The Lord is my portion,” says my soul,
“therefore I will hope in him.

The Lord is good to those who wait for him,
To the soul who seeks him.
It is good that one should wait quietly
For the salvation of the Lord…

Lamentations 3:19-32

It’s funny how I forget that when you search for the Lord, you find Him. I think I go about life sometimes expecting Him always to be at a distance or anonymous or, you know, putting me through the wilderness.

And I get so comfortable out in the wilderness, like mentioned in Isaiah 43, that I forget about the river. And how reviving, good, and beautiful is that river.

Life is hard. You know this, I know this. School is confusing, boys are confusing, purpose in life can get confusing, or our families; even God can get a little confusing. But I get so desensitized to life being hard that it becomes normal. So I move on, just like you move on, shuffling along in my little desert, content that the sun hasn’t completely evaporated me yet.

But as the steps go on, it seems my heart dries out a little more, gets a little more brittle, loses a little more hope, or maybe a little more faith. And that’s when I start losing my breath, and my chest starts to constrict, and my head feels dizzy, and my feet feel heavy, and when I exhale, I never seem to get rid of the collecting sand and dust in my lungs.

And when you’re in the desert, you get used to always being thirsty and tired. You don’t remember how you got there, because it seems, you’ve been there for quite some time, and you can’t remember the day the walk started.

And you never expect to find a well, and certainly not a river. And you forget that maybe you’re in the desert, the wilderness, not because you set foot there on purpose, but because God lead you there, out of love. And you forgot that in the desert, the Lord was hoping you’d draw near to Him, that you’d get to know Him better, or depend on Him solely.

He was hoping you’d call. Hoping you’d remember Him. Hoping you’d let Him lead you somewhere good, but instead you forget the moment it gets too hot, and you get thirsty, and your feet get tired, and you end up wandering on your own to nowhere in particular…hoping to find your way out…and all the while, hope, and joy, and peace are mirages. Because in the moments you think you’ve found them on your own, you open your hands to find them all gone.

And the desert gets bigger, and you get smaller, and it all becomes about “life is just hard.” Because that’s the way it is.

But you remember God. It might take some time. Maybe a day, maybe a week, maybe a month, maybe a year, but you’ll remember Him, because He’s way too big to actually forget, or to not miss, or to not see. And you remember how God spoke to Jacob in the desert when he was alone, or Moses and the Israelites, or Jesus.

The Lord is good to those who wait for him,
To the soul who seeks him.

Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you, James 4:8 says. It’s so obvious, and yet, so hard for us to do, and by us, I mean me. Draw near to God AND He will draw near to you. He leads us into the desert hoping we’ll draw near, and for some of us, it doesn’t take too long to figure out, and then for the rest of us, we walk aimlessly while God stands at the river bank, just waiting for us to call out so that He can offer us living water, and rest for our tired and dusty souls.

But what I love most is that, even when the call is pitiful, and small, and not even close to being elegantly spoken, He’s there. “Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you. You will seek me and find me. When you seek me with all your heart, I will be found by you…”Jeremiah 29 says.

It’s hard for a man to find treasure when he’s roaming aimlessly. But give the man a real desire, a map with an X, and a shovel, and he’ll find it. He’ll find it when he searches with all of strength and with all of his heart. Wanting to find the treasure won’t make the journey any better, the dig any easier, and the pulling the chest out less painful, BUT he will find the treasure. Even with blisters on his feet, and palms, and chest, and the other pains he will continue to have in order take the treasure home, he’s perfectly content because what he found was of great worth.

The truth of the matter is: Life is hard. Days get long. Nights get longer. Inhaling and Exhaling takes more effort on some days than others. Shoulders get heavy. Feet shuffle. And the sun burns. But God is there too. And though the long days will still exist, if you search Him out, you’ll find Him, and you’ll find that though nothing else in this world will change, He’ll fill the cracks in your heart, somehow, and He’ll lighten your step, and satisfy some deeper thirst we all have. And you’ll discover this thing called peace; that kind that surpasses all understanding.

Because the thing is, I can’t explain this peace to you because it does surpass understanding. It’s a contradiction. A dichotomy. An Oxymoron. You would be shocked to see someone contently walk through fire, or remain calm as a friend stabs them in the back, or stand, with quiet contentment, at the headstone of a loved one. Is it not just as shocking that one could walk through this life, with all of its trials, and tribulations, ugly truths, cruelties, and tests, with peace and joy?

Peace doesn’t depend on circumstances because it’s founded on God. And unlike other feelings that come and go on a whim, peace and joy are constant because God is constant. And to find them, one must continuously call on God,and when He shows up, through prayer or the Word, He’ll lead you out of your little desert, and He’ll fill you up to the rim, and you’ll want to overflow. Despite ALL of the everything elses,you will overflow, maybe some days more than others, but on the days you're not overflowing, God is filling.

“If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow the rivers of living water.’ ” – Jesus (John 7:37)

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